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What is The InBetween?

The InBetween is a training and resourcing organization that serves people working with those on the margins and in underserved, under-resourced communities.

The InBetween philosophy and vision:

The InBetween provides an environment for educators and learners to dive deeper into topics not readily available in academic institutions to those working with and serving people in the margins. We believe the in-between stage is one of the most sacred and essential spaces for learning, deconstruction, growth, application, and transformation. It’s the space of wrestling with complex issues, as well as working through problems to discover solutions, and no topic is too taboo to work through.

What is the mission of The InBetween?

The InBetween provides education and resources to those who find themselves in the in-between space between evangelical and post-evangelical progressive contextual frameworks. Our mission is to provide academic-style online learning environments and resources by combining deeper learning with practical application. Our entire objective is to help leaders across the nation to communally work together to alleviate systemic poverty, racism, sexism, and prejudice against communities of color and LGBTQIA+ communities.

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